
Please select the type of service and you will be directed to that specific referrals page.

Community-Based Day Programming and Mental Health Services: Not Youth Summer

This referral form can be completed for:

All referrals, with the exception of IRIS, MUST be completed by the case worker of the program.  

**Indicates the referral will need additional documents emailed to to be considered a complete referral 

Teen and Youth Summer Therapeutic Day Camp

We have two day camos this year, one for grades 4-8 and ine for grades 9-12.  These are based off the grade the particiapnt will be in for Fall 2025 school year.

Teen Social Classes

Teen social classes for grades 8-12.  See our "Current Classes" Tab for more information.

Payers for these classes are CLTS and Out of Pocket/Self-Pay Options.